Pansies–Happy Dance

Hello everyone!

It’s time to share progress on my latest SAL project. It’s called Pansies by The Craft Collection and it’s finished Smile.

This is where I was up to last time.

Corrected bottom flowers

I returned to the 2nd group of flowers and filled in the petals I’d unpicked as well as finishing the remaining back stitching.


I took the fabric off the frame for the above photo and then put it on my table upstairs, ready for turning it into a table runner. I then got on with some knitting and completely forgot about it hahaha. Out of sight, out of mind, that’s me! I only remembered I hadn’t made up the runner last night. Oh well, I promise to get it done and show you next time.

Please visit the other blogs that are also taking part in this SAL. There are so many different projects to enjoy. The participants live all over the world so you may need to allow for time differences. We’re posting today at local time.

Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Jackie, Sunny, Megan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, Linda, MaryMargaret, Cindy

Our next updates will be posted on the 9th June 2024.

About the SAL

Please note this SAL is not accepting any more new members until further notice but this is what it’s all about anyway. This SAL (Stitch Along) is slightly different to other SALs in that we don’t all stitch the same design at the same rate. We choose ONE unfinished project, or ONE new one, and show progress of its completion over a series of three weekly updates. There are no deadlines and no set amount to stitch. The result is that the space in our drawers full of WIPs (works in progress) is gradually being freed up to store lots of new crafty goodness. It’s surprising how much motivation I’ve gained from being in this SAL.

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  1. claire93

     /  May 19, 2024

    so much prettier than the original design, with all those ugly pinks they threw in. You did well to make the decision to do things your way – will make for a stunning table runner!

  2. Congratulations on your happy dance this is a beautiful piece and will look stunning when its sitting along your table. xx

  3. witchylin

     /  May 19, 2024

    I love it. Much nicer with your colour changes.

  4. That will be beautiful on your table when finished! congrats!

  5. Beautiful and definitely better than the original! Can’t wait to see the final product and your next project ! Well done

  6. Cathie J

     /  May 19, 2024

    I love how you changed this piece. It is so pretty. I look forward to seeing it as a table runner. I wonder what your next project will be for the Stitch Along. Enjoy your knitting.

  7. Fabulous!! So happy for you for your happy dance! It will make a beautiful table runner

  8. Yay on a beautiful finish! Happy dancing with you and excited to see it as a table runner 🙂

  9. One Happy Dance for you! It will be a beautiful table runner. 🙂

  10. What a beautiful finish – I love the colours!

  11. Christina

     /  May 25, 2024

    Hurray! It’s lovely and will be amazing as a table runner. 👏🏼

  12. Congratulations on your finish — and the new colors you chose are perfect. Looking forward to seeing it made up next time!

  13. ccflo3

     /  June 4, 2024

    Beautiful finish

  14. ccflo3

     /  June 4, 2024

    Hi Avis. Can you please repost the reminder for this week. I deleted mine by accident.



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