A Table Runner and a Foxy Finish

Hello everyone!

I made a promise last time to have the pansies finished into table runner for our next update post. You’ll be pleased to know I got straight to it and finished well in time Smile. It wasn’t difficult to choose the fabric. I had several purples in my stash but this one seemed perfect. My OH says it’s even more perfect because it has a sort of leafy print. I didn’t notice that. I’m all about the colours. This is how it looked straight off the frame.


Here is a close up of the fabric.


And here is the finished table runner. I made a sort of quilt with batting and backing and initially planned to quilt the border but I didn’t like it (after doing about a foot of the long side) so I unpicked that before adding the binding. The backing fabric is the same as the front. I’m pleased with how it turned out.


I then started a new SAL project and enjoyed stitching it so much that it’s also finished. After spending so much time on the pansies, because of changing my mind about the colours and subsequently unpicking, I decided to make a small project for a change. Claire bought me two kits several years ago so I pulled out one of those. The design is by Fido Stitch Studio. It’s a small piece at only 2.5” x “2.75” so it was just what I needed.

Fox package

Claire advised me to swap the fabric in the kit for evenweave because she made another kit from Fido and the backstitching isn’t always in the holes of the aida. That was great advice but I really don’t like stitching on evenweave and will do almost anything to avoid it so I used the aida from the kit which is lovely quality and changed to a sharp needle for the back stitching and it was much easier than I’ve done before using a blunt cross stitch needle. Here it is before the back stitching was done. The thread colours are lovely and I enjoyed the confetti stitching because the project is so small.

Without back stitch

Here it is with the back stitching finished. I changed it an a couple of places that won’t matter.

With back stitch

I looked for a suitable blank greetings card so I could then put it in a frame but nothing that I

had seemed to work so, after enjoying sewing the pansies into a table runner, I decided to make a mini quilt. After a quick audition of fabrics and a couple of hours of sewing I’d finished.IMG_20240526_161808054

I wanted to hang it on the wall invisibly so I put two folded fabric triangles on the top corners before binding. I can put drawing pins up inside and they won’t be seen.


It was a good idea for me to get on with finishing this piece straight away. That’s another Happy Dance for me!

Please visit the other blogs that are also taking part in this SAL. There are so many different projects to enjoy. The participants live all over the world so you may need to allow for time differences. We’re posting today at local time.

Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Jackie, Sunny, Megan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, Linda, MaryMargaret, Cindy

Our next updates will be posted on the 30th June 2024.

About the SAL

Please note this SAL is not accepting any more new members until further notice but this is what it’s all about anyway. This SAL (Stitch Along) is slightly different to other SALs in that we don’t all stitch the same design at the same rate. We choose ONE unfinished project, or ONE new one, and show progress of its completion over a series of three weekly updates. There are no deadlines and no set amount to stitch. The result is that the space in our drawers full of WIPs (works in progress) is gradually being freed up to store lots of new crafty goodness. It’s surprising how much motivation I’ve gained from being in this SAL.

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